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Take Action
We need to get real here. Individual actions aren't going to cut it.
We won't get anywhere near the global carbon reduction targets without a systemic transformation of our economy, resource extractions, manufacturing and consumption habits.
But taking small personal steps, or doing so together as a community, can be a powerful tool for change.
Not by pointing fingers at peers - or at yourself for that matter -but by educating yourself, using your voice, and supporting people, companies and institutions that can create a real transition.
10 principles to help you on your way:
1 // (Re)connect with Nature.
We love where we ride. The environment we use as our playground brings us freedom, a way to escape our daily grind, inspiration, joy, community and so much more.
2 // Educate yourself.
Knowledge is power. The more you know, the more you'll be able to engage others, make conscious choices and contribute to the transformation we need to go through.
3 // None of us is perfect - and that's OK.
Free yourself from that guilt trip. We do need to care about reducing our individual footprint, but pointing fingers at yourself or your peers is actually harmful: none of us is perfect but we need everyone's contribution to create change, operating within the current system to build a new one.
4 // Use your consumer power.
You have way more leverage than you think. Choosing how to spend your money, and which businesses and institutions to support, sends a powerful message.
5 // Normalise the conversation.
The climate crisis is disrupting the delicately balanced ecosystem that we as humans not only are part of, but fully depend upon. While we might differ in our beliefs, we are all affected by this crisis. The environment should not be polarised.
6 // Vote for change.
The most powerful tool you have as an individual is to use your vote. Support local and national politicians that represent your values and beliefs.
7 // Buy better, not more.
One of the easiest ways to reduce your environmental impact is by using a product longer or extending its lifespan by repairing it, swapping it, or by sharing it with others. Let’s be honest: do we really need all that new, newer, newest stuff we are fed with every day? And when you buy, make conscious choices: spend your money with brands that actively work on reducing their carbon footprint and on products that could last a lifetime.
8 // Travel better, not more.
We all love to ride our bikes in new places. To discover new territory, visit friends, to race or seek adventure. Although the pandemic showed us we don't even have to go far for that. But if you do travel: use sustainable transport choices where available (bike, train). If you fly: rather plan one big trip than several short ones. To get an idea of the impact of travel, start measuring your footprint.
9 // Measure your impact.
Before you can decide where best to improve your personal actions to decrease your impact on the places you love to ride, or start by offsetting your impact, you need to know what your CO2 footprint looks like. But how to start measuring your impact? We gathered a few of the best tools for you here.
10 // Get together.
Discuss climate action in your community, engage with local environmental groups, organise a local screening of Cracked Earth to spark conversations.

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